How wonder last night i was fall asleep with a tears. A missing someone's tears. Keep busying myself with all stuffs and things but oh im failed to forget you. How could i forget that one who im ever hate then success make me fall on you and fail to make me sad. Always achieve my happiness. Fill my day with jokes. Wake me up with a sweet ever text. Make me sleep with a nice voice of singing. Make me dream of you after everything end.
Having the last day for everyday with a conversation midnight till dawn. An hour 30 minutes talking. Miss myself till 81 missed calls in 3 minutes in order. 15 text messages in a time cause miss me.
You were the one to light my day. You were there to guide me through from days down and on. I'll never stop thinking of you. How can i forget all that when you're the one who make me smile you'll always be apart of me, how i wish you were still mine. Never will forget the how we've met and came this far. We all know we got this feeling but somehow it has to end up here.
I know it's me who said goodbye and that's the hardest thing to do cause you mean so much to me and guide the truth from me to you. For all the things i've done and said, for all the hurt that i've cause you, i hope you'll forgive me baby cause that wasn't what i mean to do.
For all the things i've done make you mad. I know you are really mad when i was tell the social about you even you know that no one knows about us. Cause i know i can't tell you this feelings.
I know you read this love but i don't hope you come back to me, but it's enough you know that i miss you too much more than i miss you when you're mine.