Ohh no ! I love damn much this 15 April 10 .
A happy day without any problems and any duck-mouth.
Peeps ! Just one make me unhappy for this week.
But i'll keep it as a secret :
Before that, I want to tell you peoples that i'm now on my way
To improve my English skill and grammar.
So, help me in that .
Tell me whats my wrong word or grammar .
Thank You (:
Ohh yeah ! Actually, I wanna to story mory about the date .
From that morning and from i entered the school gate i was smile longly !
First about the assembly .
Teacher make a shock-sportcheck with no annoucement .
For sure, i'm not escape in that (:
Second about the oral task for English subject .
Currently i'm not ready to do that .
Bcse i'm not prepare any script ;[
But i just tell myself " adibahh ! just get cool . don't feel nervous. you can do it!"
Then, after Fatin's turn .
Teacher call my name " Now i call Puan Siti Adibah "
Classmates " tak boleh blahh Puan ! "
Haha .
I'm so nervous but i've tried .
thanks god !
I'm got 14 over 15 .
It same with Fatin .
And so far, we're the highest (;
Third about moi cik abang ♥
IDK why i FIL eith him .
Bcse i love to see his smile !
After kelastambahan ,
i need to go my other other class-tuition at PTMS .
And what i want to tell you that we're go back together !
Izzati and najihah said " Rapat siott ! "
Oyeah ? I like that XD
Fourth about Hambali .
During after recess around 5.15 pm ,
He entered my class : Adibahh ! Sini kejap .
I was too shock : hah ? Ape dia nak ?
Then, i just stay in class : Cepat lahh !
So, i go out from class : Ape mau ?
With his poyo : Teman aku pegy Megah ?
Hah : Buat ape ?
: Aku nak beli and sambil tu aku ade benda nak cakapp .
Too anxious : Bagi tahu je lahh . Kejap lagi sir masuk lahh .
: Alahh, aku nak pindah alam shah KL ! Cepatlh, nnt dh tk dpt kluar dgn aku.
Hmm : Dah cepat pegy Chantek je lah .
After that, whe i back home .
Suddenly, i remembered our sweet times at skkd on 2005-2007 .
Btw, thanks for the al sweetenest !
Sweet message ,
Sweet Call ,
Sweet MMS ,
Sweet gift [ bracelet and our name keychain ]
Now, i was hang the keychain on my pencilcase.
Sorry and just forget the last bad moments .
Our monkey-fighting .
Hahaa .
And you must know this : You're the bestbestfriend for me !
Good Luck for your study :)
Then, this evening,
i'll go to Kota Kemuning with sistah to come my cousin's picnic for her Bday party .
Aryssa happy Birthday dear !
I love you damn much ♥
A happy day without any problems and any duck-mouth.
Peeps ! Just one make me unhappy for this week.
But i'll keep it as a secret :
Before that, I want to tell you peoples that i'm now on my way
To improve my English skill and grammar.
So, help me in that .
Tell me whats my wrong word or grammar .
Thank You (:
Ohh yeah ! Actually, I wanna to story mory about the date .
From that morning and from i entered the school gate i was smile longly !
First about the assembly .
Teacher make a shock-sportcheck with no annoucement .
For sure, i'm not escape in that (:
Second about the oral task for English subject .
Currently i'm not ready to do that .
Bcse i'm not prepare any script ;[
But i just tell myself " adibahh ! just get cool . don't feel nervous. you can do it!"
Then, after Fatin's turn .
Teacher call my name " Now i call Puan Siti Adibah "
Classmates " tak boleh blahh Puan ! "
Haha .
I'm so nervous but i've tried .
thanks god !
I'm got 14 over 15 .
It same with Fatin .
And so far, we're the highest (;
Third about moi cik abang ♥
IDK why i FIL eith him .
Bcse i love to see his smile !
After kelastambahan ,
i need to go my other other class-tuition at PTMS .
And what i want to tell you that we're go back together !
Izzati and najihah said " Rapat siott ! "
Oyeah ? I like that XD
Fourth about Hambali .
During after recess around 5.15 pm ,
He entered my class : Adibahh ! Sini kejap .
I was too shock : hah ? Ape dia nak ?
Then, i just stay in class : Cepat lahh !
So, i go out from class : Ape mau ?
With his poyo : Teman aku pegy Megah ?
Hah : Buat ape ?
: Aku nak beli and sambil tu aku ade benda nak cakapp .
Too anxious : Bagi tahu je lahh . Kejap lagi sir masuk lahh .
: Alahh, aku nak pindah alam shah KL ! Cepatlh, nnt dh tk dpt kluar dgn aku.
Hmm : Dah cepat pegy Chantek je lah .
After that, whe i back home .
Suddenly, i remembered our sweet times at skkd on 2005-2007 .
Btw, thanks for the al sweetenest !
Sweet message ,
Sweet Call ,
Sweet MMS ,
Sweet gift [ bracelet and our name keychain ]
Now, i was hang the keychain on my pencilcase.
Sorry and just forget the last bad moments .
Our monkey-fighting .
Hahaa .
And you must know this : You're the bestbestfriend for me !
Good Luck for your study :)
Then, this evening,
i'll go to Kota Kemuning with sistah to come my cousin's picnic for her Bday party .
Aryssa happy Birthday dear !
I love you damn much ♥
She's at nailpour
With her mommy

She's at sallon